This is more scary post to write than an annoying one.
Everyone ages and we all have to face the retirement or not portion of our lives. Some of us have saved – some of us have yet to start – but I’ll bet most of us are somewhere in between.
In my case, I have an IRA in which I have saved for retirement, and I will be old enough to qualify for social security in just a few years ( and …if it’s still available).
The scary part is that my husband and I have always worked and provided for ourselves – we worked for a company that we started over 30 years ago. I still do. This company provided everything we needed to live and raise our family. And in the good years provided for quite a few others as well. It will feel both strange and unusual to have money coming in to our bank account, or out of our IRA’s without working — because taking it out, using it up – even though that was the intention when we saved it – seems contrary to everything we did up till now to prepare for this phase of our lives.
One thing I am not consciously worried about is making it on that amount of money. Besides always trying to live “under” our means, and saving, we have for the last five to seven years cut back on everything.
But the reality is, that in the next year or so, we are going to officially, fully and completely retire from life as we have known it for so many wonderful years.
What are we going to do with ourselves? Glad you asked. We are right now looking into obtaining a Motor Home” to facilitate our desire to see the United States from end to end. A bucket list item that was impossible to fulfill when you own your own business and it’s the only source of your income.
We will buy a used motor home specifically designed to fit our needs. We need to have a “garage” so that we can fit the gear (4 wheelers, etc.) that we want to take with us, as well as our sons family. We will travel the US, stopping and staying for a periods of time and then moving on. With no clock to punch, no deals to make and no familiar annoyances – I think we might even enjoy this thing called retirement while we are all still “young” enough to do it!
And maybe… I’ll blog about all the annoying things I find along the way!